dāndǒu zhītì 單枓隻替
Dandou zhiti is a type of bracket set (dougong 枓栱) without bracket arms projecting from the primary building plane (huagong 華栱; Li 2009, 19.9b; 19.11a). As an architectural term, it is only found in Yingzao Fashi《營造法式》(1103). It only uses one bearing block (dou 枓) and a timu 替木 to support a purlin or tie beam, linking the pillar, beam, and purlin together (Pan and He 2005, 84). The only surviving example known is in the Feiliang 飛梁 of the Jin Shrines 晉祠 in Taiyuan, Shanxi, thought to date to the 11th century.3
單枓隻替是一種不出跳枓栱,現今寫作单斗只替(李 2009,19.9b;19.11a),指仅用一隻枓和一隻替木承托檩,將柱、梁、檁結合起來(潘和何 2005, 84)。 單枓隻替作爲建築術語覲見於《營造法式》。實物可見太原晉祠北宋的魚沼飛梁。 3
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Works Cited
Any information without attribution has been created following the Syriaca.org editorial guidelines.
- 1 GUO. 2002. A Visual Dictionary of Chinese Architecture, 42.
- 2 FU. 2017. Traditional Chinese Architecture: Twelve Essays, 357.
- 3 KROLL. 2016. A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese; 李. 2009. 營造法式 (1103; 故宫藏抄本), 19.9b; 19.11a.; 潘. 2005. 《营造法式》解读, 84.
Broad Match: bracketing
How to Cite This Entry
ZHUGE Jing 諸葛淨 et al., “ 單枓隻替 dāndǒu zhītì.” In Architectura Sinica, edited by Tracy Miller. Entry published July 1, 2022. https://architecturasinica.org/keyword/k000263.About this Entry
Entry Title: 單枓隻替 dāndǒu zhītì
Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:
- Tracy Miller, editor, Architectura Sinica
- ZHUGE Jing 諸葛净, associate editor, Architectural Terminology
- ZHUGE Jing 諸葛淨 and HU Jianbin 胡劍斌, entry contributors, “ 單枓隻替 dāndǒu zhītì”
Additional Credit:
- Website coordination: Yuh-Fen Benda
- Peer review: ATTCAT 2023
- English proofreading: Aurelia Campbell Tracy Miller
- Chinese proofreading: ZHUGE Jing 諸葛净 ZUO Lala 左拉拉
- Preliminary research and revision: HU Jianbin 胡劍斌
- Data entry: LI Zhixian 李知賢 YAN Yiyang 嚴一洋
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Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.